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AlgiCAL consists of a mixture of extracts, concentrates, and algae meal from the genus Laminaria digitata, with added calcium (from chloride).

AlgiCAL is designed to strengthen the cell walls of plants during the last stages of fruit growth, so as to reduce the incidence of all calcium deficiency-related physiopathologies.




Ossido di calcio (CaO) solubile in acqua (=10,7% Ca) 15 %


12 x 1 L
4 x 4 L
2 x 10 L

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AlgiCAL, due to the presence of concentrated extracts of seaweed of the genus Laminaria digitata and the high calcium content, is particularly suitable for preventing and treating numerous physiopathologies resulting from the unavailability of the element calcium. At the base of the product, there is a high endowment in alginates (for better nutrient delivery within the leaf), in vitamins and oligosaccharides (to strengthen the plant, thus enabling its better resistance to environmental and physiological stresses) and in trace elements. AlgiCAL due to the presence of calcium from chloride is particularly effective against bitter pitting of APPLES. The product also finds valid application on pear, peach, apricot, cherry, plum, tomato, etc. for the prevention and treatment of all those physiopathologies attributable to calcium deficiency. It improves quality characteristics (see data sheet for more information).


Method of use

Method of use:

Utilizzare per via fogliare con un volume d’acqua che garantisca una buona copertura fogliare.

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Seleziona la coltura di riferimento per visualizzarne i dettagli di impiego, dosaggio e trattamento.

Foliage 8 l/haDa 1 a 4 applicazioni ogni 10-12 giorni a partire da 15 giorni dopo all’allegagione.
Foliage8 l/hada 1 a 2 applicazioni: ogni 10-12 giorni a partire da 1 mese prima della raccolta.
Foliage8 l/haDa 4 a 8 applicazioni: ogni 10-12 giorni a partire dai primi stadi di ingrossamento frutti (stadio I-J).
Foliage5 L/ha2-3 applicazioni: ogni 10-15 giorni a partire dallo stadio di metà invaiatura.
Foliage6-8 L/haper ridurre lo spacco delle bacche applicare prima dell’invaiatura e ripetere ogni 7-10 giorni.
Foliage 6-8 l/haApplicare prima dell’invaiatura e ripetere ogni 7-10 giorni.
Foliage6-8 l/haApplicare a partire dall’ingrossamento del frutto e ripetere ogni 7-10 giorni.
Foliage6-8 l/haApplicare a partire da 10 giorni dopo il trapianto e ripetere dopo 7 giorni.


  • Hazard statements:

    H319 Provoca grave irritazione oculare.

Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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