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FOL- Ger is a biopromoter of plant metabolic activity. It is based on Boron associated with plant extracts, B vitamins, folate, and amino acids, particularly a carboxylic derivative of cysteine.These components act as stimulants of most of the plant’s biochemical and physiological processes; this happens even under conditions of environmental stress.




Boro (B), etanolammina, solubile in acqua 2%


12 x 1,06 Kg (1 L)
4 x 4,24 kg (4 L)

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FOL- Ger is a bio-promoter of plant metabolic activity. It is based on Boron associated with plant extracts, B vitamins, folates, and amino acids, particularly a carboxylic derivative of cysteine. These components act as stimulants of most of the plant’s biochemical and physiological processes; this happens even under conditions of environmental stress.


  • Promotes protein and carbohydrate synthesis.
  • Stimulates photosynthesis and promotes fruit set and fruit enlargement.
  • Promotes the synthesis of natural hormones.
  • It increases the production of glutamine, a resistance factor naturally produced by the plant in response to stresses.
  • Due to the presence of Boron, it stimulates pollen tube elongation, thus allowing fertilization and ensuring abundant flowering and fruiting.

Method of use

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


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Foliage50-100 ml/hl3-4 trattamenti da prefioritura a ingrossamento frutto.


    Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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