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Seaweed BFEMN consists of a mixture of extracts, concentrates and flour of algae of the genus Ascophyllum, containing Boron, Iron and Manganese.

Designed as a supplement to the reproductive processes of all crops where deficiencies of the above-mentioned elements, and particularly of Acinidia, are most likely to occur.




Carbonio (C) organico 1,5 %
Mannitolo 3 g/L
Boro (B) solubile in acqua 1 %
Ferro (Fe) solubile in acqua-chelato con EDTA 0,9 %
Manganese (Mn) solubile in acqua-chelato con EDTA 0,3 %


12 x 1,2 kg (1 L)

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Alga B Fe Mn is a formulation containing Boron, Iron and Manganese that originates from a mixture of extract, concentrate and flour of algae of the genera Ascophyllum made not only for the prevention and treatment of the physiopathologies that occur in ACTINIDIA due to the deficiency of these elements but also and especially as an activator. The special process of micronization and hyperconcentration of the alginate matrix ensures, in fact, a ready conveyance and assimilation of nutrients as well as a high efficacy of the components, which is the basis of the product, is also characterized by a high natural endowment in growth substances (gibberellins, cytokinins, betaines), in alginates (for the better conveyance of nutrients within the leaf), in vitamins and oligosaccharides (to increase resistance to environmental and physiological stresses) and in microelements. The presence
of the microelements boron, iron and manganese at the same time allows the regular completion of the fertilization process by stimulating the elongation of the pollen tube and to make up for the deficiencies that most frequently occur on the ACTINIDIA crop.
The product can also be used on any crop that needs the supply of the elements Boron, Iron and Manganese.

Method of use

Method of use:

Le applicazioni di Alga B Fe Mn vanno effettuate per via fogliare.
Dose di applicazione consigliata per prove analitiche: 1g in 500 g di acqua (DM Mipaaf 1377 del 27/01/2014).

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Seleziona la coltura di riferimento per visualizzarne i dettagli di impiego, dosaggio e trattamento.

Foliage2-3 L/haTrattamenti preventivi: in prefioritura e a bottoni/inizio fioritura
Foliage4-6 L/haTrattamenti curativi: alla comparsa dei primi sintomi carenziali, ripetendo eventualmente.
Foliage2-3 L/haTrattamenti preventivi: in prefioritura e a bottoni/inizio fioritura.
Foliage4-6 L/haTrattamenti curativi: alla comparsa dei primi sintomi carenziali, ripetendo eventualmente.


    Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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