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IRONGLEP 7 WPG is a micro granular powdered iron fertilizer complexed with plant-derived amino acids and vitamins. The amino acids improve vegetative and root development and help the plant overcome adverse situations; they also improve the absorption and translocation speed of iron. The product is highly soluble, does not generate dust, has a high iron content (7%), and contains only plant-derived amino acids and vitamins.


Polvere micro granulare


Ferro (Fe) solubile in acqua 7%
Ferro (Fe) in forma complessata 6%
Agente complessante: idrolizzato proteico


12 x 1 kg
4 x 5 kg
25 kg

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IRONGLEP 7 WPG is a micro granular powder fertilizer based on iron complexed with plant-derived amino acids and vitamins. Amino acids activate plant physiological processes by improving vegetative and root development and increasing nutrient uptake. They also help the plant overcome adverse situations such as water and heat stresses. The complexing power of amino acids improves the uptake and translocation rate of iron into the plant, in any environment and at any pH value, however it is administered (foliar or root), maintaining or restoring foliage color to the deepest green values. IronGlep 7 WPG can be used by both foliar and root application on any crop that requires an iron supply. IronGlep 7 WPG, even at high dosages, is well tolerated by plants and does not cause phytotoxicity. The product is highly soluble, does not generate dust because it is formulated in micro granules, has a high iron content (7 percent), and contains only plant-derived amino acids and vitamins. It also possesses a neutral pH and low hygroscopicity.

Method of use

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Seleziona la coltura di riferimento per visualizzarne i dettagli di impiego, dosaggio e trattamento.

Foliage50-200 g/hlApplicare quando la coltura è in crescita, dopo il trapianto o quando appaiono i primi sintomi di carenza. Ripetere ogni 2-3 settimane se necessario. Negli ortaggi da frutto (pomodoro, peperone, melanzana, cetriolo, melone, zucchino, fragola, ecc.) applicare prima della fioritura.
Foliage50-200 g/hlApplicare annualmente alla ripresa vegetativa e alla nuova crescita estiva.
RadicalPiante adulte: 30-60 g/piantaApplicare annualmente in primavera
RadicalNuovi impianti: 5-15 g/pianta
Radical10-50 kg/haApplicare quando la coltura è in pieno sviluppo
RadicalNuovi impianti: 3-5 g/pianta
RadicalIn produzione: 5-10 g/piantaApplicare annualmente in primavera
Radical5-10 kg/haApplicare quando la coltura è in pieno sviluppo. Suddividere la dose totale in più applicazioni
Radical3-5 g/m2


    Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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