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Algiactif is consists of a mixture of extracts, concentrates and algae meal from the genus Laminaria digitata, containing macro- and trace elements. Therefore, the product ensures the nutritional function and promotion of metabolic and productive functions of crops.




Nitrogen (N) total 6 %
Nitrate (N) nitric 1.4 %
Nitrogen (N) ammoniacal 2 %
Nitrogen (N) urea 2.6 %
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) soluble in water 5 %
Potassium oxide (K2O) soluble in water 5 %
Boron (B) soluble in water 0,04 %
Copper (Cu) chelated with EDTA-water-soluble 0, 01 %
Iron (Fe) chelated with EDTA-water-soluble 0, 04 %
Manganese (Mn) chelated with EDTA-water-soluble 0, 04 %
Zinc (Zn) chelated with EDTA-water-soluble 0, 01 %
Algin matrix: Laminaria digitata extract and cream


12 x 1 L
4 x 4 L

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Algiactif is a liquid fertilizer with a high biostimulant action, containing extracts and cream of seaweed of the genus Laminaria digitata supplemented with macro- and microelements. The product, therefore, ensures nutritional function and promotion of metabolic and productive functions of crops. Algiactif is applied throughout the entire cycle of any crop, especially, during active growth stages and during delicate reproductive phases or following unfavorable events (stress due to adverse weather conditions, treatments, etc.). Algiactif provides important biologically active natural substances such as natural growth bioregulators, vitamins, enzymes, peptides, peptones, free amino acids, alginates, oligosaccharides in addition to phytochromatic substances and carbohydrates of ready and complete assimilation. Algiactif, applied by foliar application, maximizes its normalizing and restorative activity.

Method of use

Method of use:

Use by foliar application with a volume of water to ensure good wetting.

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Seleziona la coltura di riferimento per visualizzarne i dettagli di impiego, dosaggio e trattamento.

Foliage3-5 L/haDa 1 a 3 applicazioni agli stadi di bottoni rosa o bianchi o fiori aperti, inizio colorazione, caduta di petali, inizio dell’allegagione o frutto noce.<br /> Anche in miscela ai normali trattamenti antiparassitari, alle dosi minime, per migliorarne l’assorbimento e l’efficacia.
Foliage3-5 L/haPrima della fioritura: da 3 a 4 applicazioni dallo stadio di inizio germogliamento fogliare (D) allo stadio di bocciolo fiorale (H).<br /> Dopo la fioritura: da 1 a 3 applicazioni alla dose di 3-5 L/ha dalla fase di fioritura (I) alla fase di chiusura dei grappoli (K).
Foliage3-5 L/haDa 1 a 3 applicazioni ogni 15 giorni dallo stadio di 2-3 foglie vere.
Foliage3-4 L/ha1 applicazione dalla fase di accestimento a 2 nodi e/o di spigatura.
Foliage3-4 L/ha1 applicazione dallo stadio di 3-4 foglie.
Foliage 3-4 L/ha1 applicazione dalla fase di prefioritura con gemme separate.
Foliage3-4 L/ha3 applicazioni ogni 10 giorni dalla fase di emergenza completa.


    Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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