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Molybdenum 10 LG is an inorganic molybdenum fertilizer for foliar treatments for the prevention and treatment of physiopathologies that occur in some crops as a result of limited availability of the element molybdenum.

Molybdenum, in plants, is always in rather low concentrations, but it plays a crucial role in the nitrogen cycle allowing its proper use.




Molibdeno (Mo) solubile in acqua 10 %


12 x 1 L
4 x 4 L

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MOLYBDENUM 10 LG is a formulation for foliar treatments for the prevention and treatment of physiopathologies that occur in some crops as a result of limited availability of the element molybdenum. Molybdenum, in plants, is always in rather low concentrations, but it plays a crucial role in the nitrogen cycle allowing its use. Molybdenum deficiencies therefore manifest themselves as nitrogen deficiencies, due to the plant’s inability to utilize this element.

Molybdenum is always present in plants in rather low concentrations; however, it plays a crucial role in the nitrogen cycle. It is an essential component of nitrogenase, an enzyme that makes possible the proper metabolism of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms and nitrate reductase. This enzyme enables the reduction of nitrogen from nitric to nitrous.
This step, which is also mandatory, enables the plant to synthesize nitrogenous molecules such as amino acids, peptides and proteins. As a result of the above, molybdenum deficiencies are manifested as nitrogen deficiencies with the typical symptoms: chlorosis, stunted growth, etc.
Molybdenum uptake is favored by the presence of phosphorus and high pH values. The plants that benefit most from molybdenum are dicotyledons both herbaceous, particularly leguminous, and tree crops.

Method of use

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Seleziona la coltura di riferimento per visualizzarne i dettagli di impiego, dosaggio e trattamento.

Foliage0,6-0,8 L/ha (100-120 ml/hl)
Foliage0,4-0,8 L/ha (25-40 ml/hl)
Foliage0,4-0,8 L/ha (65-120 ml/hl)
Foliage30-40 ml/hl


    Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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