Melting temperature: | 75-80 °C |
Color: | Neutral/light yellow |
YELLOW-GREFF is a neutral composition wax with good plasticity and adherence characteristics, thus making it usable in both second and third kerosene waxing.
Special wax for nursery placement of grafted rooted cuttings and vine planting
Melting temperature: | 75-80 °C |
Color: | Neutral/light yellow |
YELLOW-GREFF is a neutral composition wax with good plasticity and adherence characteristics, thus making it usable in both second and third kerosene waxing.
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Employment | Dosage | Treatment |
Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.
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